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Paper Punch Addict

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Celebrating 2,000,000 Hits! BIG PRIZE

I officially reached the 2 MILLION hit mark on Sunday!  WOO HOO!  Somehow I missed a million...  I never would have dreamed that in a little over 2 years I would hit such a milestone!  Thank you so much to my loyal readers and anyone else who has stumbled onto my blog and spent some time checking out my site.  I appreciate you all!

To celebrate, I have a Big ol' BAG OF BLOG CANDY!  Leave a comment here to enter the random drawing. One lucky person will receive ALL of these goodies!  It includes all of my favorite things!  Peachy Keen Stamps, Stampin' Up! stamps, Sizzix Bigz die, Sizzix Embossing Folder, Designer Papers, Eyelets, Ribbons, Chipboard and other embellishments.  This pile of stuff is worth $200!  I will draw the winner on Tuesday night.

Please note, my comments are moderated, so it may be a while before you see your comment posted.  Please don't post twice if you don't see your post show up right away.  Thanks!


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Anonymous said...

I faithfully check your site daily and have found many fabulous ideas that I have used in my own projects. Thank you for providing this for so many of us!! Kim B.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your inspiring posts!! I look forward to them daily! Congrats on reaching the 2 million mark!! Whoo hoo! :-) :-)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome. I look so forward to checking the site every day and getting fabulous ideas to try myself. Keep up the great work. Stef C

Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration!!!! Love your work. Cheryl B.

wahoolady said...

Congratulations on 2 million. Love all the great ideas and projects and what a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

Nancy Dion said...

I check your site every day et it's always beautiful. Thank you for your hard work.

Nancy D.

Janice W. said...

Wow Kim! Congratulations you talented lady! Great prize too! Keep up the great work!
Hugs, Janice

Sunshine HoneyBee said...

Congrats on 2 mill. Wow. Your giveaway is very inspiring. Thanks for giveaway.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, Kim, for sharing your wonderful projects that you create. You have a unique web site. I check the email from you every morning to see what great projects you have for everyone to gain inspiration from. Thanks, again. Sandy

Anonymous said...

It's always a treat to look at your blog! I always get great inspiration here! Congrats on your 2 million mark! Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy!
Jen S.

Vicki Wizniuk said...

Wow, that's incredible! Congrats, and thank you! :)

jayandgersmom said...

Thank you for all of the creative inspiration you've given me!! I'm not surprised you've hit the 2 million mark! Congratulations

Amanda Corbet said...

Wow! What an achievement! Congratulations Kim! Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful blog candy!

Tanya said...

Whoo hoo, congrats!! Thank you so much for offering up a fabulous giveaway! How awesome :)

Tanya Phenis

Shans Design Studio said...

Congrats! And thanks for the chance to share in your happiness!

Houses Built of Cards said...

Congrats Kim - I'm not surprised that you have that many hits!!!

Shans Design Studio said...

Congrats! And thanks for the allowing us the chance to share in your happiness!

Anonymous said...

From Germany to Amerika: GREETINGS!
I look every day to your blog, it`s great!
Thanks for so many inspiration.
Karin W.

Edilza Teixeira Scrap e Artes said...

Oi !!!

Amo visitar o seu blog diariamente. Encontro ideias maravilhosas e criativas. Obrigada pela chance de participar.


bastelkatze38 said...

There is no wonder that you become 2 Mio hits, your blog is so wonderful and I look every day for new ideas !!!

Hugs, Doris

The MadStamper said...

LOVE your site! I have been a follower for somewhere between 1-2 years and I look forward to al the wonderful goodies out there that you find for us and the even more fabulous ones that you create!!!!! Thanks for the sharing and inspiration!!!! =)

The MadStamper said...

LOVE your site! I have been a follower for somewhere between 1-2 years and I look forward to al the wonderful goodies out there that you find for us and the even more fabulous ones that you create!!!!! Thanks for the sharing and inspiration!!!! =)

Rae said...

Congratulations on your monumental number of hits. I visit this site everyday, and love all of the wonderful projects I have seen.

Kathy B said...

I love checking your site to see all the wonderful creations. Thank you so much for sharing your talent.

Kathy B said...

I love checking your site to see all the wonderful creations. Thank you so much for sharing your talent.

Kathy B said...

I love checking your site to see all the wonderful creations. Thank you so much for sharing your talent.

Kelli Waters said...

Kim, your site and amazing tutorials are such an inspiration. 3 million is right around the corner!

Cathy said...

Congrats on your hits! it is a pleasure to check out your blog daily for such wonderful and creative ideas, Thanks so much again for sharing your talent an a chance to win such yummy CANDY!!!!!

Sandra Strait said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Congratulations on reaching such a fantastic number of hits!

Whimcees said...


Congratulations! How fantastic is that! I check your blog every morning to see what new projects you have created and to visit all of the wonderful bloggers amd their creations that you so kindly post for us. Your a very talented and creative artist and I love all that your imagination brings and I thank you for sharing all that you do. Wishing you a happy day!


Barbara Diane

Gloria said...

WOWZA Congratulations on such a huge milestone!! Thank you so much for a chance to win such awesome goodies!

Precious Hugs

Ria`s Winkeltje said...

Hi Kim,

Congrat with your 2.000.000 hits. I also follow you for a long time. Thanks for the chance to win this Big Candy

Liefs Ria


O wow congrats on hitting 2,000,000!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Kristan (follower)
sierrababy08 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Wow Kim! What an echievement! It's no surprise to me though as I think what you can't do with a punch, just ain't worth doing! Then there are the fabulous projects you make and the links to other clever crafters. All in all, VERY worthy of your million! xxx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on hitting the 2 million hits. This is the first place I check every morning to see what is new.


Sue Robinson said...

Hi I love your site ,its inspiring and very informative. Well done on your 2m milestone

cpixylix said...

Congratulations! This is a marvelous site for ideas; I appreciate you and all your hard work.

cissylovato said...

I check your blog everyday, and I have been so inspires that I am going broke buying punches. LOL But I love it. Thanks for always sharing and taking the time to share.

cissylovato said...

Wow 2 million!!! Congrats that is awesome!!

Lisa B said...

Kim you are a talented woman soon wonder why you have so many hits already.Who wouldn't love to learn all these awesome ideas you have!!! AND WOWSERS what a fantastic package of blog candy. Who ever wins this is one lucky individual that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a great site this is!!!! I check everyday for new ideas. I have made quite a few things for my grand-daughters pre-school class. They love it. Thanks much!

Carolyn said...

Hi, I am pretty new to your site. a couple of weeks. I have found you site very inspirational to me. Thanks you for sharing your fantastic creative ideas

Bonita said...

It is a tribute to you and your talent to reach 2 mil. Congrats. I look forward to your posts. Thanks for the great give-away, too.

Colleen said...

I check your blog everyday. Wouldn't miss it for the world. Such wonderful inspiration.
Congratulations on the Big 2 million hits. Great achievement and looking forward to the next 2 million milestone.
Great candy and thank you for this opportunity

Attegirl said...

I love getting your posts in my email, you are one of the only ones I will specifically check my email for! The inpirations you give are greatly appreciated!!

Toots said...

Wow, 2,000,000! That's fantastic! Love your blog and follow it daily. Thank you for sharing and offering the candy! Aloha!

Joan said...

Congratulations! I have received many, many ideas for cards, gifts and tags. I love your site. Thanks

Beanner said...

Hi Kim
Congratulations on your 2 million hit.Ilove all that you do and have order many of your classes.
Thank's for all the inspiration .

Judi Markel said...

Congratulations Kim! Your site is fantastic and love the tutorials I have bought from you and also the ones you post. Thanks for all the hard work you do.

Anonymous said...

Hello Kim,
Thanks so much for all your work putting this site together for us all to enjoy.
Keep up the great work, so many ideas to try out. Outstanding.


Marty McGee said...

Your site has provided me with many ideas for my make-n-takes; taking a lot of stress off my shoulders in trying to come up with my own (not as great) card and 3D project ideas. Marty McGee

Deanna C said...

Well,I tried to leave and comment and was given an error message, so I will try again.

WOW! What an awesome accomplishment! You are truly my inspiration for most of my cards. I have deliberately purchased some of my punches just to try and duplicate your ideas. I can't wait for your email every day. Thanks so much for all the hard work you do to make our lives so much more fun and entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kim. My morning gets brighter when I see Paper Punch Addiction in my e-mails. I save every one and refer back to them often.
Thank you again for all you do.
Patricia Gessner

RedGem said...

Congratulations... but I'm not surprised.. I visit your site EVERY day! Your site has such wonderful inspiration for me. Please keep up the great work it is definitely appreciated!

Tammy Gill said...

Congrats Kim! I LOVE your blog and check in every day! SO many great ideas, I am such a HUGE fan of punch art and now I visit many of sites that you have featured on a regular basis too!

You are VERY generous to give away such a great prize!

Tammy Gill (

Cathleen48 said...

Goodness, goes to show how much you are liked. I can spend a whole day looking at everything you have on your site. Love the videos. They have taught me so much. Kim you are a charm. Thanks for sharing with me. Cathleen

Gwen P. said...

Congratulations Kim! 2 Million!!! Incredible but I have no and your blog is great!! I always pass it on to my friends!!! I love your work and your blog! What a great asset to all of us punch artists everywhere!!! Congrats again! Be very proud of your accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

I check your site daily and follow your work on Inspired by stamping. Great ideas. Superb projects. Keep the ideas coming. Congrats.


Elaine said...

Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us and inspiring us all

Beth said...

Congrats to you Kim!! That is so awesome! Thank you for all of your inspsirations and making me a part of your "blog world"!

glendap said...

I really love your blog each day and I would love to win your candy. Thanks for all your posts and your hard work in finding them for us.

Anonymous said...

Of all the sites I visit, I always check yours out first. I love the variety, the 3D projects and especially the videos. I know how much time it must take you to put it all together. Thank you soooooo much.


Pansy said...

Would be awesome to win....I check your blog every day so have contributed some of those 2 million hits.....some days I am on here 5 or 6 times.

Anonymous said...

WOW, 2million hits. That's amazing but not surprising. Your projects are awesome...thank you for all the wonderful inspiration!
Arlyne D'Agostino

Anonymous said...

Wow...congrats to you. I faithfully read your blot every day. I waas a!!!!!! SU demonstrated years ago when it first started.but it

didn't work out.I do love their products. Well contests again...
Dawn RI

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! But it's eazy to see why. I don't miss a day. You are the best, sharing all of your talent. I thank you. Ellen Mc.

Judy said...

2,000,000 hits....that's big. Congrats. I always enjoy the ideas that you send our way. Thanks and keep up the good work.

BeverlyBL said...

Wow! What a prize! Thank you for the chance to win this. I love your blog. I've gotten so many great ideas from your recommendations. Thanks for all your hours spent searching.

Nancy Dawson said...

WOW and Congratulations! Every trip to your blog gives inspiration. Thank you for the chance to win BLog Candy and keep up the good work. We do appreciate all your efforts to share your talent.

Josie0602 said...

2 million hits....that is just awesome!! Love your blog. Thanks for the chance to win!

Ellen Taylor said...

Congrats!! That is quite a milestone! Thanks for sharing so much inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Check it everyday to find the best examples to either CASE or get ideas. Thanks so much.

Edna R

Anonymous said...

WOW 2 million hits. I'm not surprised, your projects are awesome! Thanks so much for all the wonderful inspiration.

Becky Jo said...

Congratulations, Kim, on this wonderful milestone on your blog! I love your blog and visit everyday! In fact, I look forward to sitting here with a cup of coffee to see what you have posted. Thanks so much for your daily inspirations. Thanks, too, for a chance to win. Big Hugs!!

Miranda said...

Congrats! I love your site and visit it daily! Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration!
Miranda :)
miranda at nanasscrapspot dot com

Ginger said...

2 million-that's fantastic! Congratulations.
I read your blog every day and find it quite inspiring. You put alot of work into everything and it shows. Congratuations again and can't wait until you hit that next million!

kraftykat157 said...

Congradulations. Your Blog is the 1st one I check oput everyday.Thanks for all the work you do for us and the chance to win the super giveaway

CJ said...

AWESOME!! What a great milestone! I love to visit your site! What great ideas you always have. Here is to your 3,000,000 milestone! Job well done!

Denise Willerton said...

wow!!!! I love your site and visit daily for ideas and inspirations ~ thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful day :-)

M1kk1 said...

Congrats! Thank you for all the inspiration!

bowlingfrog said...

Way to go!!! I love to tell people how awesome your page is. You are sooo inspireing!

bowlingfrog said...

Way to go!!! I love to tell people about you.
Keep up the great work.

LadybugCarrie said...

Congratulations Kim! How exciting! Love your blog - thanks for the daily inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so inspiring! I visit everday!
Dawn Sorenson

Raven B said...

Oh Kim I am so excited for you!!! Congrats my friend what a great milestone! Keep on inspiring us with your awesome creations!!!!


littlebitoftoto said...

I knew you could do it!! I love, love, love your blog.....thanks for the opportunity to win....PICK ME, PICK ME, PICK ME..please....

Amy C said...

Wow!! Congrats on your 2 million mark......what a fab milestone!!

sucor said...

Congratulations on reaching 2 million hits! I love your blog, always leave inspired. Thanks for the chance to win!
Suzanne sucor_2 at hotmail dot com

Heather Donahue said...

Thank you for all the work you do! I get a lot of inspiration from your site!!

Jo said...

Congrats! I visit your site daily (sometimes, a couple of times) to get the wonderful ideas/inspiration. Thanks for all you do for us. said...

Love your blog! It inspires me to reach to your level of creativity. At only 5'3" it is quite a stretch.

MANSI said...

Love your site,and guess its my daily routine to come here every day for your inspiring ideas.Thanks a lot for such gr8 work.

Peg said...

WOW! Congratulations!
Please let me tell you I spend way too much time on your blog every morning.
Everyday I'm in awe of all you offer.
Thanks so much for all you offer us, I love it.
Thanks for the chance to win these goodies!

Lynn said...

Congratulations Kim - quite a milestone. I just love checking out your blog every day. I have done a few cards from the inspiration here. Thank you for taking the time to share with us.

Bandon, Oregon said...

Congratulations Kim!!!! You are the BEST! I appreciate everything that you do!!


Cheryl Arbo said...

Wow...nice give away! I alway look forward to getting your post. Thank you for doing the homework for us all!

SueBee said...

CONGRATS Kim !! I SO enjoy starting my day checking your blog. THANK YOU for the dedication you put into looking and sharing projects for all of us !
Susan B.

Denise said...

Congratulations on this BIG milestone in blog land! Thanks for sharing all that you do.

Denise M

Karen Hasheck said...

Wow- congrats on such a huge milestone. I subscribe and come here everyday to get great ideas so thanks for all you do!

Nita said...

Yours was one of the first sites I frequented when I discovered blogland. I'm always so impressed with your creative projects, and your tutorials have helped me on more than one occasion. :) Congrats on hitting the 2 million mark!

Kathysangels said...

Opening your email with all the fun attachments on your blog is like opening candy every day - such fun ideas - I only wish I had enough daytime to try them all out.
Congratulations on your big celebration!

sandy s. said...

Congrats on 2 million hits!! I love all your inspiration! Thanks!

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

Wow, that is nice blog candy. Thanks for the chance to win and congrat's on over 2 million, that is a huge milestone. You are very popular. I love punch art.

Sherry B. said...

What an awesome milestone!!! I have told a lot of people about your amazing website!!! Here's to 2 million more!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Your site is a favorite and I check it daily. I have cased many of your ideas and save lots and lots of them to my computor for later. Congrats on your two million mark. Keep up the good work. Couldn't start my day without you. Irene

Liz S. said...

Wow! Congratulations! Your blog is great! I have found many cool ideas here. Thanks for the opportunity to win some yummy candy.

Christy Velasquez said...

Wow congrats! What an awesome achievement! The blog candy is unbelievable!! I love your blog and it is part of my morning blog readings. Thanks for the chance to win the amazing blog candy!!


Anonymous said...

I love your website and check it every day. I've purchased a lot of punches, so I appreciate seeing ideas on different ways to use them. Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize.

Anonymous said...

Wow! way to go. I love your site and can't wait to see what you make. I am so inspired. Thank you so much for sharing. Phyllis (fefelu)

GAZ said...

Your blog is so inspiring and I Thank you for all the time and effort you put into finding projects, cards, videos for all of us to enjoy. Contratulations and Many Thanks!!! Glenda

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the great ideas. i love going to your site. you have some of the great ideas and find so many others. thank you

mnstamper said...

I start my day with looking over your site. YOU never fail to give wonderful hints, suggestions and projects to give every level of stamper an inspiration to start a stamping project.

Charlotte said...

WOW! TWO MILLION HITS! Congratulations! It's no wonder you've reached such a milestone, though. Your site is one I visit daily, as you provide such wonderful inspiration - and, I'm sure I'm not alone. Thank you soooo much for so generously offering us a chance to win such a Big 'Ol Bag of Blog Candy!

Linda said...

Wow 2,000,000 hits, congrats to you. Thank you for all the inspiration.hugs Linda Dekker

Donna said...

Congrats on reaching such a huge milestone. I know it will be years before I ever reach 100,000 at the rate that I am going. I so enjoy your projects and you inspire so many! TFS with all of us!

Pam P said...

Wow 2 million hits in two years what an accomplishment! Your site provides so much inspiration for all of us I appreciate your willingness to share your talent with us.

Linda S. said...

What great blog candy! I get great inspiration from your site...thanks so much for a chance to win!

Theresa said...

That is really Great! Congrats on all the hits. We love looking at your blog because we get such great ideas and awesome links to other projects! Thanks!

karen h said...

Thanks for all your ideas. I just recently found your blog and love it. Please keep up the good work.

Leanne said...

Congratulations Kim!! This is awesome and so totally worth it! I have always loved your blog and your designs! Thank you for all that you do! Hugs, Leanne

Jessie G. said...

Congrats! Thanks for the inspiration!

Maria said...

Thats amazing getting that many hits. Congrats
Thanks for the chance to win

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I love this site!

Aunt Linda said...

Wow..that is a truly impressing pile of blog candy. I love seeing your new inspirations every day. Thanks for the chance to win and congrats on 2 million hits !!!

sandra said...

Congratulations for the 2 million milestone!
Keep on going, love your site.
Greetings sandra

Anonymous said...

Wow! 2 million hit is quite a milestone! I'm glad you have this blog, I read it almost daily. Thanks for the chance for such wonderful blog candy!
Sandy C

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Wow...2 million. That's amazing! lori at true dungeon dot com

Mom Cate said...

Wow 2million hits... I am surprise it isnt 3. Your site is totally awesome.! I visit it everyday and share it with a friend. The blog candy looks totally delicious!!!! I love candy

Tanja Kolar said...

Congratulation! That´s marvellous. What a giant milestone. Everyday I come here to look for all the new inspiration you´ve searched for us. For all this work: thank´s sooo much! I hope you reach (?) the 5,000,000 clicks.

Greetings from Tanja

Kathi said...

I love this site. I am so glad that I found it. You have some great cards and thanks or sharing. I am glad you hit 2 million, that is Great!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the daily inspiration. I'm forever using and tweaking your ideas:)

marg0006 said...

Wow, what wonderful blog candy. Thanks for all your inspiring ideas in your fun blog. A big Congrats to you.
Loving Scrappr101

rams520 said...

Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas. You are so creative and it really helps me with my cards. I love your site, visit daily and am not surprised you have soooo many followers. Keep up the good work!!!!

Amanda said...

Wow - 2 million..... Not that I am surprised - you are a daily source of inspiration for me - so I must thank you for 2 years of what you do!! You do its SO well!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go. Your site is the greatest and to have all this punch art from so many talented artists available is almost better than chocolate. Kim, thanks for all you do for us and for also sharing your wonderful talent with us .

Unknown said...

Wow your so great I would love to win this blog candy I dont have very many peachy keen stamps this would be wonderful thank you so much for all you do

Mary said...

Congratulations on being so successful with your blog! I receive your daily updates and always look forward to seeing what you have found to share with us! Mary

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I love checking out your Blog. Thanks for taking the time to make so many people happy, with your artwork.

Unknown said...

Your site is awesome, I check it everyday and get so many wonderful idea. WAY TO GO,

Thanks for all your hard work.

Lisa Harringron said...

Congratulations i get your emails daily and just love your work
, I have learn`t so much from you.

Beebeebabs said...

Congrats on such a milestone!!!

Becky Green said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I can see how you'd hit that mark!!!!!!!!!! And I can see how you'd miss the million mark!!! YOU'RE JUST HAVING FUN!!!!!! :) WHAT A PRIZE you're giving away!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for providing a place where we can come & see all the WONDERFUL punch art you find!!!!!!! It STILL amazes me!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Lisa Harringron said...

Congratulations Kim I get your emails daily and just love your work I have your work I have learnt so much from you.

JoAnn said...

Your blog is one of my favorites. I just came across it about 2months ago and now I'm subscribed to your emails and also follow your blog. You are very talented. I love what you can do with a few punches. Congrats on your huge success!!!

Vicky said...

Congratulations, Kim! You have an amazing talent, thank you so much for sharing it with us!!

Unknown said...

What an awesome website. Such wonderful ideas and teaching tools.

Way to Go. Thanks for all your hard work.

Dani said...

I love your site and look forward to your post everyday. Thanks for all you do. Would love to win the prize package. Dani

hinesleymom said...

How awesome! I love your tutorials! You are such an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Kim - you are wonderful. I have learned so much from you that making cards is now my passion. I can't wait to see your post daily. Thanks again for all you do for all us scrap bookers.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Congratulations,
I look every day on your block and I'm thrilled every time and make new suggestions.
Thank you for so much work!

Linda said...

Love your blog it is such a inspiration, I follow you daily. Keep up the great work. I love those Peachy Keen Stamps too!!!

Anonymous said...

This is favorite place to visit everyday. Enjoy your site with my cup of coffee.

Thank you for all your efforts.

Jeri - Ohio

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!Congrats!!!Congrats!!! YOU so deserve the accolades...YOU are so very talented..and God Bless you for sharing all of your inspiration with all of us..I love seeing your newsletter in my inbox....always a WOW...And HEY...I love the giveaway...I will hope for my number to come up....Thanks again so much for your generousity!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, your site is wonderful. I check it first thing daily.

Keep doing what you do to make our stampin life easier.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting the cute cards and things. I often follow the links and find even more cards and things.
Rose Reynolds

Amy Perry said...

I just love your site and the work you feature! Looks fabulous!

Congrats on 2 million!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the success of your site. Your site is one I visit nearly everyday!! I love all the things you post Along with all the creations you create on your own. Thanks for all the inspiration! Sara E Killian, WA

Ellen said...

I just recently found your site and I'm addicted.

Rebecca Borkowski said...

I look forward to your emails everyday. Love the cards and projects so I am not surprised you have reached 2 million. Thanks for sharing such wonderful projects.
Rebecca Borkowski

Glora said...

First of all congratulations on 2 million hits!!!! You totally deserve it! And secondly thanks for offering such an AMAZING prize. Your blog is such a treasure of techniques and tutorials. That in itself it an amazing gift. Thanks for sharing. Hugs- Glora


Sophie said...

I bet that number will double in less than half the time! Thanks for all of your ideas and love your classes.

Vonnie said...

Your blog is my favorite. I don't even remember how I came about finding it...but I am very happy that I did. I always look foward to your blog. It has inspired me many times. Congratulations on your sucess!

Susan G said...

OMGoodness! That is a big number of hits! But it's no wonder because you have a wonderful site. I enjoy checking out your posts every day. And what a huge haul of goodies for candy. Someone is going to be VERY lucky.

Anonymous said...

Ann Shaffer:
Congrats on 2 million and on all the hard work that on all the work that went into it. I love your site!!

Tinky said...

I watch your site daily. Love all the inspiration and admire all that talent. Thanks for sharing it all with us. Congrats...

Susie said...

Congratulations on your 2 million mark!! That's awesome, I always look forward to your daily posts! Here's to a million more!!

Tonja C Romero said...

WOW! 2 million! Congrats -- and what a generous way to celebrate by giving away so much! THANKS and thanks for the daily inspiration! :)

marilync said...

Wow! this is fantastic news. I think everyone should be a follower of your site. Love the sites you pick and all the work/tutorials you do. All I can say is "pick me, pick me"

Anonymous said...

I'm a daily reader! And I'm not surprised that you have such a large following. I appreciate you time, effort and willingness to share!
Shirley D

Bertha said...

I love your blog. I check it everyday. I have found some great projects.

Jorgelina said...

wow what a great way to celebrate!

Anonymous said...

You are my inspiration when I am lagging in ideas. I am a punch art wanna be.

Liz Mason said...

I just found you and am sorry that I've missed two years worth of your blog! Anyhow, the past is the past and I look forward to seeing all of your posts in the future. Thanks and, OK, yes, I'd love to win the prize! Can I be picked for being your newest member? HA - Thanks again

Richelle said...

Kim wonder you have so many have great ideas and share other's great inspirational.

Nanette said...

Congrats on hitting 2 million hits...WOW! I love checking out all the sites you send us to. I have gotten some of my best inspiration from them.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I enjoy checking your site regularly and seeing all the links to different card samples. Thank you for all the work you put into it.

Kim160 said...

Congrats.....I look forward to your posts everyday so I can see the wonderful projects you have picked to check out. Thank you so much for all your inspiration.

Karla said...

I can't wait to open the email that comes from you to see what beautiful inspiration you have chosen to show. Whether it be your work or that of someone else I simply love it.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I love reading your blog and checking out the blogs you find for us with awesome ideas! I'll still be reading when you hit 3,000,0000! Congratulations again Kim. :)
Kind regards Sam Wilson

Linda Miller said...

Hi Kim. Thank you so much for all the time and design that you share with us. I love them all and look forward every day til your next post. Please know how much we apprecite all you do in sharing your fantastic creativity! Hugs, Linda :)

KVencel said...

WOW! Congratulations on such a great milestone! Love following you to see what lovely ideas you find each day. Thank you so much for doing the work for me!

GiGi said...

Congratulations Kim! 2 million hits is so awesome! I just love your blog and thank you so much for the wonderful tutorials! Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That is an awesome blog prize!
missy k.
marilyn2222 @

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the inspiration and how to's i check your site everyday
and have made many cards from your inspirations. congratulations on the
2 million!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations - but no surprise! Your shares are magnificent! Thanks for this chance to win!

Yvonne said...

Kim thank you for posting what is out there in the way of Punch art, I just love getting my email daily and checking it out. You are an amazing designer and THANK YOU for all you do.

Allie Curtis said...

Congratulations! Two million hits are incredible! I love your site and the great ideas you have.

Rene said...

Way to go Kim, I just love your site. Thanks for the giveaway.
Rene from OZ xo

Anonymous said...

Love receiving my almost daily emails with so many new and artistic people out there. Congratulations!!

Lynn Stenzel said...

I glad you reached 2 million hits. Your site is great. I have turned all my students on to your site.

Kristi Crandall said...

Wowzers! 2 million?! What a tremendous amount of faithful followers you have! I know of several people that I have told about your site. Thanks for all the daily inspiration!!!


Deborah345 said...

I have loved searching out your posts nearly everyday. Thank you for the time you have put into your blog to help each of us to find ideas.

Anonymous said...

bravo pour votre site, je le consulte tous les jours! c'est une source d'idées incroyable!
merci pour votre travail.
congratulations for your site, it's an amazing way to find beautiful ideas!
thanks a lot for your job!
Solange ( from France)

mareda said...

Wow! 2,000,000 mile mark. Congratulations. I love your site and visit it everyday. I can't wait to see what you are linking and sharing for the day. Thank you so much for this site!
Keep it up

Mrs.Debbie said...

Congrats how great Love your work inejoy everything about it. Great giveaway Hugs

Regina said...

Congratulations on getting 2 millions mark! I enjoy visiting your blog daily to see your latest creations and inspiration. I adore everything you make! Th♥nks for all inspiration!

Teagan's Mommy said...

I check in everyday to see all of the wonderful projects you post and link to. All my friends want to know where I find all my idea. Paper Punch Addiction I tell them.

Colleen Renner said...

Your site was the first site that I really liked and subscribed to when you started. I never miss getting into the site daily and sharing all the wonderful ideas with my client's. Congrats on your 2M

Terri said...

I love checking your blog everyday to see what cute things you have found for us. I do realize the time and effort you put into doing this and truly appreciate it. Congrats on reaching such a milestone.

Mommy's Crafty Creations said...

Gongrat!! Wow this a real big giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!

mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com

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